Good Coffee Deserves A Nice Cup

Hi, I am Morten,

I love coffee and while others find great passion in blends and roastings, my passion is the aesthetics around the coffee serve.

It all began when my family and I had been strolling the streets of Firenze (Italy) for half a day and we finally sat down at one of the nice plazas to enjoy a cup of coffee.

What I got was anything but a regular cup of coffee.

My double espresso was served the iconic Julius Meinl red and black cups which none of us had seen before.

We came to discuss how the cup ultimately defines the experience... and Coffee Cup Review was born.

I hope you will join the movement of enriching the coffee experience by always serving and enjoying your coffee in a nice cup.

What else...

I love to travel with my family and also get to travel with my day-job, working in the intersection between commercial excellence and leadership in the branded consumer goods industry. I have always loved coffee and I have been so fortunate to work +10 years in the coffee industry.

I have come to recognize that a skilled barista can turn an average coffee blend into a great tasting coffee - baristas make a difference.

Next, the brewing method has a big impact: A poor brewing method can spoil even the best blend.

So while I have never been good at tasting various blends, I have come to believe that the brewing method has bigger impact on the final cup and taste than the blends. I am personally into Espressos, and... I'm not a big fan of French Press.



Reach out to me here: Contact

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