Segafredo – Espresso

The very iconic Segafredo espresso cup, a legend amongst espresso cups.

The very distinct cup is not a round cup, but more square in it's appearance, and along with the little fat handle it conveys an expression of strong coffee. This fits the nature of Espresso very well.


The idea of making a small and fat handle here fits the size of the cup, as the weight is low enough to lift the cup with just 2 fingers. Yet, combined with surface heat that very easily touches the tips of your fingers, the handle is a bit too small.


The freshly served and hot coffee very quickly makes the entire cup feels warm, and to an extent slightly outside the comfortable.


Smooth and very nice surface with the logo well outside the zone touching your lips.

Mouth feel

Beverages are most often consumed from round objects, and drinking coffee from these rather straight lines touching your lips feels slightly strange.

More details

We found the cups for sale at theĀ UK website of Segafredo, where they are sold in bundles of 4.


The review was done at the Cartoleria in San Donato, Chianti / Tuscany, Italy on 13 July 2019.

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